Semi-Synchronocity Enabling Protocol and Pulsed Injection Protocol for a Distributed Ledger System
Published in 13th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Taichung, Taiwan, 2018
Recommended citation: Bruno Andriamanalimanana, Chen-Fu Chiang, Jorge Novillo, Sam Sengupta, Ali Tekeoglu, "Semi-Synchronocity Enabling Protocol and Pulsed Injection Protocol for a Distributed Ledger System", The 13th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC'18), October 27, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
Abstract: Distributed ledger technologies have a central problem that involves the latency. When transactions are to be accepted in the ledger, latency is incurred due to transaction processing and verification. For efficient systems, high latency should be avoided for the governance of the ledger. To help reduce latency, we offer a distributed ledger architecture, Tango, that mimics the Iota-tangle design as articulated by Popov in his seminal paper. We introduce a semi-synchronous transaction entry protocol layer to avoid asynchronicity in the system since an asynchronous system has a high latency. We further model periodic pulsed injections into the evaluation layer from the entry layer to regulate the performance of the system.