A Probabilistic Model of Periodic Pulsed Transaction Injection

Published in 2nd Cyber Security In Networking Conference (CSNet'18), Paris, France, 2018

Recommended citation: Bruno Andriamanalimanana, Chen-Fu Chiang, Jorge Novillo, Sam Sengupta, Ali Tekeoglu, "A Probabilistic Model of Periodic Pulsed Transaction Injection" CSNet2018, October 24-26, Paris. France.

Abstract: A central problem with distributed ledger technologies involves the latency that must be incurred in processing and verifying transactions to be accepted as permanent records in the ledger. In many applications, high latency is simply not a tolerable aspect of the governance of the ledger. To help reduce latency, we first propose a theoretical pulsed injection protocol then apply innovative inventory theory onto the unverified transactions in the system. To utilize a probabilistic model for the pulsed injection of transactions, we calibrate the optimum pulsed transaction injection batch size to ensure equilibrium and optimal performance of the system.